A payday loan – also known as a cash advance or payday advance – allows you to borrow money against your next pay day. If you are in need of a small sum of money to hold you over until your next paycheck, a payday loan may be right for you. Instead of paying bank overdraft fees, dipping into overdraft protection or paying late fees for credit cards or rent, a payday loan can give you the money you need to take care of your expenses immediately. These loans are designed to cover short-term financial obligations, and are not intended to be a long-term financial solution.
We have simplified the online payday loan application process to make it fast and easy for you to apply for the cash advance you need. In fact, you can complete the application online in minutes and get a quick decision.
Make sure you have your social security number, source of income, and banking information handy while completing the application.
Payday loans are available only in Texas.
Anyone who meets the application requirements is eligible to apply for a payday loan, and may qualify for cash.
Requirements to apply for a payday loan:
Every loan comes with a 72-hour satisfaction guarantee. So if you change your mind about your loan, just return the principal within 72 hours and pay nothing more.
Paying off a payday loan is simple. Once you have been approved for a payday loan, you will sign a loan agreement that outlines the terms for repaying the loan. Borrowers who get a payday loan through MK PayDay can repay online with automatic checking account withdrawal by logging in to their accounts or alternatively, they can mail a money order or check to us. For cash payments, please call us to make the necessary arrangements.
With MK PayDay you can always do an early payoff option on ALL of our loans at no additional cost and without penalty.
Copyright © MK PayDay LLC 2018 - All Rights Reserved
MK PayDay LLC is a credit access business licensed in Texas. All loans are made by an unaffiliated third party lender.
Applying for a loan in no way guarantees that you will be approved for a loan from the third party lender. MK PayDay LLC will attempt to arrange a loan for you from the third party lender but MK PayDay LLC cannot promise or guarantee that you will receive a loan. Credit decisions are made by the third party lender.